I’ve been on a mountain, and I see a cloud the size of a man’s hand, and I hear an abundance of rain coming. I believe the glory of God is about to fall on this nation. I declare over America that there will be another great awakening. I believe with all of my heart that God is not finished with us. His glory has not left us. I am going to ask God to send you out as ambassadors of the coming rain.
No matter where God wants to send you, no matter what He wants out of you, you have to say, “Yes, Lord. You can have my boat; you can have my house; you can have my business; you can have my family, my children, my reputation. I place all of it in Your hands.”
We have sexual immorality in America, in a profound and rampant way, and for far too long, I believe that we have left the conversation about romance and intimacy to the schools, to the world, and to politicians. It’s time for the church to get busy talking about the whole Word, rightly divided. It’s in the Bible. It is one of the most mentioned subjects in the Bible, and yet, there are still people in the church who will be very resistant to the idea that you should talk about romance and intimacy in the congregation.
Be careful who you’re close to; you can’t get close to everybody. Be careful who gets your attention and who speaks into your life. Stop listening to the wrong people. Eventually, everything and everybody to whom you’re getting close will be the very things that Satan uses to destroy your spiritual life. Don’t die like a fool.
Sin happens when we choose to sin, and no ritual, religion, or rehearsal of ceremony simply erases the facts. It happened. It is the truth, and the sooner you can admit it, repent of it and seek change, the sooner you will find freedom.
We have the promise from Scripture that God will never leave you or forsake you. We have received the strength to endure, the tenacity to fight, the courage to face your fears, and overcome. Stop trying to demand answers and simply yield obedience, regardless, of the fear that may be in your heart. Allow God to say, “No” and for you to be able to answer, “Nevertheless Lord, not my will but Thine.”
If the chain-breaking grave bandit we read about in Mark can glorify God, then the devil was a liar when he told you “You are not worthy.” The devil says you can’t praise God because you don’t have your act together. The devil says you can’t praise God because you’ve had too many chains in your life. If this guy can run out of that graveyard, then you can lift your hands. You can worship God and experience the freedom found in Christ.
God is not afraid to get in the dirt with you. God will come down to where you are. He is not afraid of where you’ve been, who you’ve been, nor the mess into which you’ve entangled yourself. He will meet you right in the midst of all the muck and mire.
If you serve Him, God will tell you over and over and over again: “NO!” It’s something you’ll have to get used to, or you might just quit. It’s something you’ll accept and become whom God called you to be, or you’ll spend the rest of your life fighting a battle you will never win.
Witchcraft is like a mathematical equation that cannot be solved. You can go layers upon layers, but there’s an element of witchcraft that has an unsolvable equation. You can use calculus or geometry or algebra, whatever you want to use, but as you progress through this desire to manipulate the supernatural, it is an unbalanced equation, and it leads to an unbalanced life. Now, some are very talented and can stretch out this balancing of the equation for many years, but in the end, it is still the mystery of Pi. It is always a number that has no end to it. It is something that has no particular solution.
In the book of 2 Samuel, we find the tragic story of Absalom, who experienced terrible grief and bitterness about the rape of his sister Tamar. Overcome with and anger and unforgiveness toward his father King David, Absalom sought to take the kingdom by force.
Using the details of this tragic story, Pastor Joey Grizzle shares how we can walk away from the bondage of bitterness and unforgiveness before it destroys our relationships.
In the book of 2 Samuel, we find the tragic story of Absalom, who experienced terrible grief and bitterness about the rape of his sister Tamar. Overcome with and anger and unforgiveness toward his father King David, Absalom sought to take the kingdom by force. Using the details of this tragic story, Pastor Joey Grizzle shares how we can walk away from the bondage of bitterness and unforgiveness before it destroys our relationships.
The Word will always tell you the truth, even when it is the most difficult to hear or receive, and if you will receive it with a repentant heart, it will forever change you for the better. If you can embrace God’s Word and rescue it from the mud you left it in, you will step back and be utterly amazed at the love, grace and hope it will bring into your life.